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みんなのFXは、初めてのFXを徹底的にサポート。今なら口座開設で最大50,000円キャッシュバック実施中! - 口座開設






































ではどのようにして女王は変身したのだろうか? 記事によると、女王陛下の目は縦長の瞳孔になり、ドラゴンのように鼻先が膨らみ、泥水のような色の肌の恐ろしい顔になったという。そしてこれだけではない。式典に同席していたオバマ大統領とニュージーランドのジェリー・マテパラエ総督が女王陛下をエスコートしている時も、彼女はとられた手を爬虫類の手に変え、微笑んで開けた口からはヘビのような鋭く長い牙がむき出しになっていたということだ。










参考:「Inquisitr」、「Clapway」、「Daily Mail」、ほか

参照元 : TOCANA


A satirical piece published earlier this week pretends to confirm David Icke’s conspiracy theory claim that the British royal family is of Reptilian alien descent.
The “fake news” article by Your News Wire purports to explain why President Vladimir Putin of Russia kept his distance from Queen Elizabeth II of Britain during the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings held in Normandy in 2014.
British tabloids, such as the Daily Mail, had commended President Barack Obama’s gentlemanly behavior when he helped the elderly monarch down a flight of stairs during the June 2014 event held at the Chateau de Benouville in Normandy. British media reports contrasted Obama’s warmth towards the queen with Putin’s supposedly standoffish manners.

Putin refused to help the monarch down the stairs and generally kept his distance from her. But two years after the incident, Putin reveals why he kept his distance from Queen Elizabeth at the gathering. He told close associates and aides that he was alarmed when the queen showed her true reptilian bloodline colors by shape-shifting a number of times while he greeted her. The queen shifted between Reptoid and human form three or four times while greeting Putin. According to Putin, when the queen revealed her underlying Reptilian nature by shape-shifting, her face turned scary, with evil-looking slit eyes and a long dragon-like snout. Her skin also turned a “grey dish water color.”
He also saw the old monarch shape-shifting when Obama and New Zealand’s Governor-General Jerry Mateparae helped her down the stairs. Putin said that when Obama held the queen, her hands turned Reptilian green and scaly, and when she smiled, she revealed sharp and spiky reptilian teeth that glistened evilly.
Putin accused the elderly monarch of shape-shifting repeatedly as a warning “not to mess” with her as the high-priestess of the world-ruling Reptilian-Illuminati clique.

According to sources close to the Russian president, he confirmed that witnessing the queen demonstrate her shape-shifting powers confirmed conspiracy theory allegations that the queen and her royal family are not entirely human but have Reptilian alien blood that allows them to shape-shift between human and reptilian forms.
Putin said he was convinced that the queen’s shape-shifting was meant as a personal warning to him. Bizarre conspiracy theories focused on alleged sinister and clandestine domination plots against humanity by the world’s Reptilian elite are not new. Followers of the British conspiracy theorist David Icke believe that most of the world’s leaders are descendants of evil, dangerous, cold-blooded, blood-drinking, and shape-shifting Reptilian humanoid aliens from the Alpha Draconis star system in the Orion Constellation.
The war-like Reptilians, also known as Reptoids, Alpha-Draconians, dinosauroids, or simply Sauroids, are super-intelligent and more technologically advanced than humans. The Lizard People arrived on Earth about 800,000 years ago before the ancestors of present humanity who — as some alien conspiracy theorists claim — arrived on Earth from the Lyran star system about 200,000 years ago.


Reptilians live in secret underground bases around the world and range in height between five and 12 feet. But the average individual is between seven and nine feet in height. They have a strong, muscular physique and a repulsive scaly skin with a serpentine green tinge. Most have a tail and hidden genitalia. All have three fingers with talons and an opposable thumb.
They began crossbreeding with humans and infecting the human bloodline with their DNA after humans arrived on Earth. That is why all humans have some Reptilian DNA. But most humans have less than 10 percent Reptilian blood. However, a special group of humans is true Reptilian half-breeds with 50 percent of Reptilian DNA. These are the Reptilian-human hybrids who control the world and are capable of shape-shifting after drinking human blood.
Reptilians were forced to mix blood with humans because, unlike humans, their DNA does not evolve. Queen Elizabeth II is the current head of the secret global grand order of our Reptilian overlords, according to alien conspiracy theorists.
Attempting to explain the bewildering system of ideas about Reptilian humanoids, skeptics claim that it is derived from ancient mythical traditions that identify the Devil in his physical manifestation as Reptilian. There appears to be something about fork-tongued reptilian life-forms that evokes an association with evil in the human psyche.


In contemporary folklore popularized by the British conspiracy theory David Icke in his 1999 book, The Biggest Secret, shape-shifting Reptilian aliens and their Reptilian hybrid offspring control our world. But humanity remains largely unaware of the reality of enslavement because our Reptilian overlords hide behind a veil of the familiar and reassuring human form.
Some critics and skeptics have described Icke’s Reptilian theories as the grand unification of all conspiracy theories which proposes that everything that represents authority in our lives, such as government, the military, the media, educational institutions, religious institutions, and the corporate world, are part of an all-pervasive conspiracy to control our entire lives, including our thoughts.

At the apex of the conspiracy against our free will is the Reptilian controlled NWO-Illuminati operating clandestinely through various organs, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers.

The Western world’s royal families and the ruling elite belong to the Reptilian genetic bloodline united in the goal of fulfilling their evil NWO world domination agenda.

The top Reptoids living today, according to conspiracy theorists, are the British royal family, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Senators Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy, and hundreds of other public figures, all of whom are capable of shape-shifting.

[Image via Radu Bercan/Shutterstock] Now Watch This: Farmers Race Motorized Hand Plows In Thailand Now Read This: Free Julian Assange: Alleged Cyber Attack On WikiLeaks Came Just Before Organization Released Damaging New Hillary Clinton Videos, Supporters Claim

参照元 : .inquisitr

Friends in powerful places? UFO hunters claim they have a video of an alien craft flying over Vladimir Putin's home

PUBLISHED: 23:06 GMT, 30 March 2016 | UPDATED: 14:57 GMT, 5 April 2016

A recent UFO sighting has some conspiracy theorists wondering if Russia's president is being advised by aliens.
Video footage captured what appears to be three static glowing lights in a triangle formation hovering above St. Petersburg, home to Vladimir Putin.
The anomaly was seen by Vyacheslav Golonkin and has been viewed more than 68,000 times by UFO hunters who are trying to unravel the mystery.
Scroll down for video


Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily posted the clip today on his blog with an opinion to what this bizarre sighting might be. 'This looks like a TR3B, or similar technology near Putin's home. This isn't the first time Putin has been accused of being in cohorts with alien life or receiving cutting-edge technology from them
'I noticed the object above the mountain and began to film it,' Golonkin said.
'It moved slowly down the mountain and faded out as it got lower'.
The 'saucer' stood still for about two and a half minutes and then appears to burn out.

Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily posted the clip today on his blog with an opinion to what this bizarre sighting might be.
'This looks like a TR3B, or similar technology near Putin's home,' he shares on his site. 'If it is a TR3B, it means Putin has some serious tech!'


A recent UFO sighting has some wondering if Russia's president is being advised by aliens. This enhanced image appears to be an alien space craft that stood still for two and a half minutes during the and then appears to burn out from the overcast
According to the DarkGovernment website, The TR-3B is a tactical reconnaissance craft code named Astra which has been developed under the top secret Aurora program.
Another theory suggests that the bright lights hovering over St. Petersburg are part of a military exercise.
‘The explanation has long been known: launch of cluster flares by military exercise,’ shares UFOs on Earth.
‘This are very terrestrial objects – big flares with the parachutes, dropped for the training in aerial shooting by our interceptors. Such cluster of flares called in a Russian military slang ‘lustra’.’ But this isn't the first time Putin has been accused of being in cohorts with alien life.


Video footage captured what appears to be three static glowing lights in a triangle formation hovering above St. Petersburg, home to Vladimir Putin. The anomaly was captured by Vyacheslav Golonkin and has been viewed more than 68,000 times by conspiracists who are trying to unravel the mystery Last year, alien hunter Simon Parkes, a councilor in Whitby, North Yorkshire, claimed the Russian president was seeking advice from a group he called 'Nordics' – an alien reptiles species. Parkes, who claimed he was visited by extra-terrestrials in his mother's womb, said the correspondence between the two 'is on par with America' during a Q&A session in Wallsend, North Tyneside, reports UFO International Project.
'Putin had been part of a group advised by reptiles,' Parkes said. 'Nordics made the counter offer to Putin.'
'The technology the Nordics are giving to Putin is on par with America.'


'If its aliens visiting Putin, then he may have just acquired some very powerful friends,' Waring writes. 'Either way, Putin is winning'. A plane is seen flying overhead of the hovering object that some feel makes this sighting credible, while others aren't completely sold on the claim that it is a UFO


The 'saucer' was seen hovering over Vladamir Putin's hometown, St. Petersburg, Russia. This isn't the first UFO sighing to come from the large country
Parkes spoke to an audience of about 30 individuals as he said, 'The Nordics have told Putin he no longer has to toe the American line, hence his resistance.'
He also claimed to have had a lovechild with an extraterrestrial called Zarka, which caused tension between him and his human wife.
Waring seems to be on board with Parkes's claims of an alliance between Putin and a species not known to our planet.
'If its aliens visiting Putin, then he may have just acquired some very powerful friends,' Waring writes. 'Either way, Putin is winning'.
UFOs seem to be drawn to the massive country, as another sighting earlier this year was captured on film.
The video was shot by Russian man Mikhail Litvinov who said he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Kemerovo.


According to the DarkGovernment website , The TR-3B is a tactical reconnaissance craft code named Astra which has been developed under the top secret Aurora program. Pictured is an artist's impression


UFO? The video was shot by Russian man Mikhail Litvinov who said he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Kemerovo
Three flying saucers were spotted on the moon during Nasa's lunar landings, according to the bizarre claims of a former Nasa contractor.
In a video testimony, Dona Hare says the space agency covered up a series of UFO sighting that they codenamed 'Santa Claus'.
Hare claims she was told by numerous sources, which she does not name, about three UFOs that landed shortly after one of the moon landings.
Not only is she accusing Nasa of hiding UFOs from the public, she has also stated the agency has doctored and obscured thousands of photos. She went on record to state the agency erases anomalies from pictures before selling them to the public.
During her time at Nasa, she was employed as an illustrator and photographic slide technician and received many awards for her work.
She claims Nasa threatened those who dared speak about the UFO sightings or airbrushed pictures. It quickly attracted thousands of views as people debated what it could be, with many pointing out it was too slow to be a meteorite, but producing too much of a gas trail to be an aeroplane.
The gas is off-white in colour at the tail end but becomes blacker closer to the object.
Speaking to Russian news site Komsomolskaya, Linvinov said: 'From my side I hope it was a shooting star.'
Journalists from Russian news site Bloknot contacted Russian airborne forces who said that there were no registered incidents in the skies over Kemerovo at the time involving either crashed craft or meteorites.

参照元 : dailymail


タイ 頭部がワニ?鱗もある水牛が生まれる

2015年10月06日 11時30分



参照元 : 新華ニュース


「ワニと水牛」のハイブリッド!? タイの農村に謎の生物が出現!!




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オーストラリアで12歳の少年がワニに襲われて行方不明  当局が体長2メートル以上のワニを見かけた場合は射殺するよう命令

ワニに襲われ少年行方不明、一帯に射殺命令 豪州

2014.01.28 Tue posted at 11:09 JST


(CNN) オーストラリア北部準州のカカドゥ国立公園で、12歳の少年がワニに襲われて行方不明になっている。当局が27日に明らかにした。 警察によると、カカドゥ国立公園内の沼で泳いでいた子ども5人のグループが26日午後、イリエワニに襲われた。

15歳の少年は両腕を噛まれながらワニと格闘して逃れたが、ワニは次に12歳の少年に襲いかかり、そのまま泳ぎ去ったという。 警察や公園当局がヘリコプターや船を使って一帯の捜索を続けているが、少年は見つかっていない。警察は27日夕、「時間がたつほど少年を見つけられる可能性は小さくなる」と語った。

最初に襲われた少年の傷から推定すると、ワニは体長2.5〜3メートル。それよりも大なワニが、獲物を横取りしようとこのワニを襲った可能性もあるという。 当局は、この一帯で体長2メートル以上のワニを見かけた場合は射殺するよう命令を出した。27日にかけて体長4.3メートルと4.7メートルのワニが射殺されたが、いずれも胃の中から人体の部位は見つからなかった。


参照元 :

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