【衝撃動画】墓地に佇む淋しげな宇宙人!! やっぱり緑色の肌だった!





現在、世界のネットユーザーたちを戦慄させているこの動画だが、視聴者からはやはり「作り物ではないか」との厳しい声も上がっている。「Did you see it?(見ましたか?)」や「Zoomed in 500% and slowed down 3 frames a second(500%ズームし、1秒あたり3フレーム遅く)」の字幕など、視聴者向けの凝った編集が純粋に真偽を問う視聴者の反感を買ってしまったのかもしれない。



さて、緑色の宇宙人たちがこうも続いて話題になると、その裏に何らかの思惑があるのではないかと考えざるを得ない。果たして、宇宙人たちがついにその存在を主張し始めたのか? それにしても、なぜ緑色なのか、不気味さを掻き立てられる読者も多いことだろう。2015年も残り1カ月を切ってしまったが、まだ今年中に緑色の宇宙人が出現することがあるかもしれない。



参照元 : TOCANA

WATCH: Bizarre 'alien' caught on camera hiding in cemetery

FOOTAGE has emerged showing what appears to be a bizarre humanoid skulking behind a gravestone in a remote cemetery.

PUBLISHED: 00:25, Fri, Dec 4, 2015 | UPDATED: 01:41, Fri, Dec 4, 2015


The alien lurking (ringed) and (inset) close up
Video posted on YouTube says the footage was filmed in exactly ten years ago, but the person who recorded it only spotted the 'creature' years later when they were watching it back.

The camera slowly pans across the tombstones in a graveyard surrounded by trees before it stops and a subtitle appears asking: "Did you see it?"

It then replays the footage and a red arrow points out a grotesque humanoid form which peeps out from behind a headstone then appears to duck back in.

It is not clear from the video where it was filmed or who by.


The video then shows the creature with green and grey skin in close up after being zoomed in on by 500 per cent and slowed to three frames a second.

The video ends on the question: "What is it?"

A number of people have reposted the video online.

One who published it on YouTube said: "I'm not saying this is real or fake. I'm just showing you for your own opinion."

Many viewers suspected the video was a hoax.


Do you know him?

One YouTube viewer said: "I saw it but it has to be fake."

Another man who viewed it said: "Something seems fishy about that video. They have their video camera at a cemetery."

Another posted on YouTube: "I have to agree it is great footage and fishy at the same time."

Then there were the undecided, with one online poster adding: "Awesome video. I can't really say if it's fake or not, but pretty cool."


Weird thing skulks behind tombstone


Could it by any chance be related to the monster from the Predator films?

Some viewers even felt it was proof of aliens or even demons.

Chimiami11 posted to YouTube: "It looks sad."

Billybonewhacker added: "I think this thing is demonic. I've heard of similar things being sighted here in Oklahoma and the Bible alludes to the demonic having an affinity with cemeteries."

Kruimels said: "That is an alien, I can recognise them very fast.

"This one doesn't look nice."