

More footage from the incident at Krasnoarmeysk where one man was killed and two injured.

In the right hand side of the video, watch for the man in the white top. 

Additional footage from another angle, showing a civilian being shot at close range, can be viewed at

Ukrainian Troops Kill Civilian 

映像は民間人を撮影するウクライナ軍のKrasnoarmeyskからのアップ。 報告によると、軍はまた、日の前半にあったとポーリングを中断していた。その後、間もなく部隊が出発した。キエフ国立警備員が担当者と建物に戻った。

警備していたウクライナ軍の兵士が群衆を分散させるために、空中にショットを発射した。国家防衛隊の銃が民間人に向けて発射され負傷。民間人が銃の端を下方向に向いてつかんでいたからだと言っている。彼は足を撃たれた。 少なくとも1人が死亡し、2人が負傷した。


Footage has emerged from Krasnoarmeysk of military forces shooting a civilian. 

According to reports, troops had also been there earlier in the day and disrupted polling. Not long after, the troops departed. Kiev National Guards later returned to the building with more personnel.

As the guards fired shots in the air to disperse the crowd, one of the National Guards weapons is pointed towards a civilian, and has discharged his weapon, injuring the man. It appears that the civilians has grabbed the end of the gun pointing it downwards, and that he was shot in the leg.

At least one person died on the scene (see links below for video), and two injured.

Video of the same incident taken from a different angle showing the death of the citizen can be viewed at 

Video of the crowd scenes and victim taken by ambulance can be seen at

Ukraine, Kiev Junta Forces Shoot Civilians in Krasnoarmeysk




Ukraine: Kiev national guard open fire on civilians at Krasnoarmeysk polling station